Cheap US purchases in Vietnam on reputable US web stores are often restricted when you visit in Vietnam. Recently the web macys has started locking the network, not the addresses from Vietnam to access the web macys to see the goods want to buy before thanks to the purchase of US goods Vietair Cargo ship to Vietnam.

cach-truy-cap-vao-macys-mua-hang-tren-macys Way to the Macys web site on Firefox, purchase on Macys with VietAir Cargo

When accessing the web will appear this message, you have been denied access to macys

How to access macys on Fire Fox

For Fire Fox users, please download the Hola software here.

Then you install normally, very easy. If the installation process, you only need to enter the email and password is complete.

Once you’re done installing, the Hola icon in the bottom right corner of the screen, in the taskbar

After clicking on the Hola icon the Fire Fox browser will automatically pop up, people choose the IP country they want to visit, for example the United States.

You start entering the mcys web address and start accessing

Note: You must turn Holo under the taskbar before you want to go to web mcys rather than open Fire Fox browser.

After you have reached the website mcys you choose the product you want to buy and send the link for VietAir Cargo us and staff VietAir Cargo will quote you within 9 minutes and you will receive a quote. Via text message on live chat, sms fanpage or via email. You only need to deposit 50% of the order and we will start buying US merchants for you on and ship to Vietnam for you and you just wait within 7 to 10 days of your favorite item. Will come home to you.

Please contact VietAir Cargo immediately if there is a problem when you can not access the web mcys and want to buy mcys offline.

⛪Office in America:
1208 Story Rd, San Jose, CA 95122 Hotline ☎: (408) 898-9999
⛪Office in Vietnam:
50/18 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ward 3, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Hotline ☎ 09.8158.8158
For any inquiries, please contact VietAir Cargo via email: or via website:, facebook:

?Her esteemed customers. Thank you!

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Way to the Macys web site on Firefox, purchase on Macys with VietAir Cargo