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Buy UPS shipping label at good prices

UPS is a global leader in logistics, express delivery, offering a range of solutions including freight transportation, fluid flow for international trade, and deployment of state-of-the-art technologies. To better manage the business world, with headquarters located in Atlanta, UPS serves over 220 countries and territories worldwide. For more information about the company, please visit

America is the center of politics, economics, culture and science and technology of the country so the demand for trade exchange between the US and other provinces increased rapidly, so the demand for delivery is also growing. Only meet the demand for delivery of goods to businesses but also the needs of many people in the city. Understanding the development trend, VietAir Cargo provides UPS domestic shipping service in the United States with a variety of modes of transportation for customers to choose. We are committed to providing genuine UPS services at the best prices.

ups-worldport6bloomberg Buy UPS shipping label at good prices

US UPS senior agent – when using the shipping label supplied by VIETAIR CARGO, customers will be provided with the following services: Receiver at the address of the sender, delivery at the address of the recipient, Giving your own bill of lading and discounted at current UPS rates. In addition, we continually monitor and inform the results of each shipment, advise you on updating the international carriage rules, support you with some procedures and services. Other related. We are committed to ensuring the delivery schedule as required and commited to ensure the safety of goods, fast delivery, safe and secure with the simplest shipping procedure.

How to buy UPS shipping label at VIETAIR CARGO?

We charge the delivery fee based on the amount of consignment, the length of shipment and the delivery time (fast or slow delivery). You can use VietAir Cargo’s estimated system for freight rates prior to shipment.

Time to ship goods using UPS services

UPS shipping time depends on the type of goods, the shipping path, and the customer service package selected. Usually, we ship the goods equivalent to the following time periods:

Payment method

For the payment of your freight charges quickly, conveniently, VIETAIR CARGO accept payment by the following methods:

  • Transfer
  • Direct payment

The benefits of using the shipping label provided by VIETAIR Cargo UPS: VIETAIR CARGO is a unit with many years of operation in the industry, we have a dedicated staff, caring, transportation means of goods. Ensure to meet the best needs of the courier needs in the US domestic customer.

  • The cheapest express delivery costs;
  • Receive and deliver at the sender’s address – recipient’s address;
  • The company provides genuine bill of lading and is discounted at current UPS rates on the market;
  • Customers are advised to update the rules of international freight;
  • Commitment to cargo security and delivery time;
  • The highest support for you some procedures and other related services.

Types of UPS courier services:

With various types of courier services, UPS is able to meet the needs of every customer. UPS offers four major types of international express services: UPS Express, UPS Express Saver, UPS Plus and UPS Express Expedited. For each type of service is a different commitment on delivery time express delivery to the area.

  • UPS Ground
  • UPS 3 Day Select
  • UPS 2 Day Air
  • UPS 2 Day Air AM
  • UPS Next Day Air Saver
  • UPS Next Day Air
  • UPS Next Day Air Early

Please contact us to use the fastest, safest, and fastest international express delivery service available today.

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Buy UPS shipping label at good prices
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How to calculate postage within the United States?

Fedex, UPS is considered one of the greats of the shipping industry. Their international express and courier services are one of the most trusted delivery services in the world today. Almost all of these companies will provide a specific price list for customers to follow up as well as consult before choosing to use the service. However, it is not enough to know that the list of international express mail rates listed is not enough, as it depends on the fact that the method of charging will be different. Customers should know that the price list is calculated according to specific regulations. And how to apply.

How to Calculate Postage Cost?

In this article, VietAir Cargo will guide customers how to calculate express delivery within the United States. International express delivery charges are calculated based on the weight of the goods and the geographic location of the shipment.

About weight of goods:

The cost of a shipment is not always based on the actual weight that may be affected by the space in which the shipment occupies the cargo or aircraft – this is called the weight (or Weight by volume) Weight by volume of a consignment is a calculation that reflects the proportion of the consignment. Less solid solids typically occupy more space than its actual weight. Volume weight is calculated and compared to the actual weight of the shipment, whichever is greater will be used to calculate the shipping cost.

Express delivery will be weighted after packing according to international express delivery standard. Weight can be calculated by actual weight or weight converted from volume. Larger quantities will be used to calculate freight.

calculate How to calculate postage within the United States?

Starting January 2, 2017, FedEx changed volume conventions from 166 to 139 for US FedEx Ground and FedEx Express shipments. Not only FedEx but UPS also made changes to their volume calculation rules early in 2017. For any package larger than 1 cubic foot (ie the edges of the package must UPS will also apply a volume parity of 139. If the parcel is less than 1 cubic foot, UPS will still count on 166.

FedEx Ground will be changing their formula for calculating dimensional weight. The divisor is changing from 166 to 139. This puts domestic shipments in the same formula as international shipments, and effectively will increase the dimensional weight of most packages going forward. Referring back to our 10”x10”x10” box example it will now have a dimensional weight of 8 lbs.

UPS also changed their formula for dimensional weight, and it’s different from FedEx. Domestic services packages that are greater than 1,728 cubic inches will use a 139 divisor, while packages less than or equal to 1,728 cubic inches will continue to use a 166 divisor to calculate dimensional weight. UPS Standard from Canada import shipments will use a 139 divisor to calculate dimensional weight.

About the delivery area:

In some cases, if the area you want to ship to is located in the center of major US states, the charge will be different than the order you would like to send to the suburbs. Each carrier will have a different delivery area, so please specify exactly which area you want to ship to.

With the UPS area surcharge mod installed, shipping from the US to another country, without inputing a postal code, you get this response above the shipping estimates.

If you have any questions, please contact immediately to be staffed by Vietair Cargo 24/7.

_dmca_premi_badge_4 How to calculate postage within the United States?
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FedEx & UPS đổi mới luật tính trọng lượng theo thể tích 2017

Bạn vẫn thắc mắc tại sao trong phần Ước tính chi phí gửi hàng về Việt Nam, VietAir Cargo luôn yêu cầu bạn phải nhập chính xác kích thước 3 chiều và cân nặng của thùng hàng thì mới cung cấp label FedEx, UPS và ước tính chi phí đơn hàng của bạn?

Câu trả lời chỉ đơn giản là vì cước phí của một lô hàng không phải lúc nào cũng được tính theo trọng lượng thực tế mà có thể bị ảnh hưởng bởi không gian mà lô hàng đó choán chỗ trên xe hàng, máy bay – đây được gọi là trọng lượng thể tích (hay trọng lượng kích cỡ) Trọng lượng theo thể tích của một lô hàng là phép tính phản ánh tỷ trọng của lô hàng đó. Lô hàng ít rắn chắc thông thường chiếm nhiều diện tích không gian hơn so với trọng lượng thực tế của nó. Trọng lượng theo thể tích được tính và so sánh với trọng lượng thực tế của lô hàng, số nào lớn hơn sẽ được sử dụng để tính toán chi phí vận chuyển.

Bắt đầu từ ngày 2 tháng 1 năm 2017, FedEx sẽ thay đổi ước số thể tích từ 166 thành 139 cho các lô hàng vận chuyển bằng Đường Bộ (FedEx Ground) và chuyển phát nhanh (FedEx Express) của Mỹ. Không chỉ FedEx mà UPS cũng đã có những thay đổi về các quy tắc tính trọng lượng thể tích của họ hồi đầu năm 2017. Đối với bất kỳ kiện hàng nào có kích thước lớn hơn 1 cubic foot (tức các cạnh của kiện hàng phải hơn hơn 30,48 cm), hoặc tương đương 1.728 cubic inches (tức 28.31 cm3), UPS cũng sẽ áp dụng ước số thể tích là 139. Nếu kiện hàng nhỏ hơn 1 cubic foot, UPS vẫn sẽ tính theo ước số 166.

Để hiểu rõ hơn về những thay đổi này, bạn học đọc kỹ ví dụ dưới đây của VietAir Cargo ….

Cách tính trọng lượng thể tích???

Trước đây, khi cần gửi các kiện hàng to lớn, cồng kềnh, bạn thường lo ngại về cước phí khi sử dụng các dịch vụ vận chuyển nội địa MỸ như Fedex, UPS nhưng hiện tại đã có các quy tắc chung để tính trọng lượng thể tích áp dụng cho tất cả các kiện hàng lớn.

Hiện tại, FedEx và UPS có một ước số thể tích chung là 139. VietAir Cargo xin nhắc lại một lần nữa là đối với FedEx, ước số này được áp dụng cho tất cả các gói vận chuyển trong nước Mỹ. Và với UPS, ước số 139 sẽ áp dụng cho tất cả các kiện hàng vận chuyển trong nước Mỹ có kích thước lớn hơn 1 cubic foot. Đối với các kiện hàng nhỏ hơn 1 cubic foot, UPS vẫn giữ ước số 166.

trong-luong-the-tich FedEx & UPS đổi mới luật tính trọng lượng theo thể tích 2017

Cách tính trọng lượng hàng hóa

Ví dụ: giả sử bạn có kiện hàng có kích thước 3 chiều là 12 “x 12″ x 6”. Nhân các kích thước đó với nhau sẽ cho bạn kết quả là 864 cubic inch. Để xác định trọng lượng thể tích theo FedEx, bạn chỉ cần chia tổng kích thước khối cho 139. Vì vậy, trong trường hợp này trọng lượng thể tích bằng 864 / 139 = 6,2 lbs.

Điều này có nghĩa là khi vận chuyển kiện hàng này, bạn sẽ phải thanh toán mức tối thiểu là 7 lbs (Nhà cung cấp dịch vụ làm tròn đến số gần nhất). Nếu kiện hàng nặng hơn 7 lbs, bạn sẽ được tính phí vận chuyển theo đúng trọng lượng thật tế. Nếu trọng lượng thực tế nhỏ hơn 7 lbs … Ví dụ, giả sử nó là 4,5 lbs … .thì chi phí vận chuyển được tính trên hóa đơn sẽ dựa vào trọng lượng thể tích ở mức 7 lbs.

Nếu bạn có bất kỳ thắc mắc gì, hãy liên hệ ngay để được đội ngũ nhân viên của VietAIr Cargo hỗ trợ 24/7.

_dmca_premi_badge_4 FedEx & UPS đổi mới luật tính trọng lượng theo thể tích 2017
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Shipping to the US cheapest in Hai Phong

You are living and working in Hai Phong want to send gifts, send goods to the US for relatives ?, you want the cheapest, quality, safe and fastest. Come to VietAir Cargo’s shipping service to Haiphong.

ban-da-thu-order-hang-my-gia-re-tai-hai-phong Shipping to the US cheapest in Hai Phong

Shipping to the US in Haiphong the cheapest price with VietAir Cargo

VietAir Cargo shipment service to the US has been over 7 years of construction and development. Our service is available in 63 cities and provinces in the United States.

VietAir Cargo is headquartered in California, USA with offices in Vietnam at 50/18 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ward 3, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City.

VietAir Cargo has the cheapest US shipping price. Please refer to our US shipping prices, you will see that.

VietAir Cargo we ship to the US by air should shorten a lot of time, within 7 to 10 days, your goods will go to our VietAir Cargo store in California, USA and you You can call home to our warehouse for pickup or we will ship to your loved ones in the US with FedEx, UPS, USPS, FedEx.

VietAir Cargo accepts shipments to the United States for all business and personal purposes in Hong Bang District, Le Chan District, Ngo Quyen District, Kien An District, Hai An District, Doing District, Yangjing District and in An Lao Districts. Kien Thuy district, Thuy Nguyen district, An Duong district, Tien Lang district, Vinh Bao district, Cat Hai district, Bach Long Vi district of Hai Phong city.

VietAir Cargo shipments to the US are available throughout 63 provinces of An Giang, Ba Ria – Vung Tau, Bac Giang, Bac Kan, Bac Lieu, Bac Ninh, Ben Tre, Binh Dinh, Binh Duong, Binh Phuoc, Binh Thuan, Ca Mau, Cao Bang, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Dien Bien, Dong Nai, Dong Thap, Gia Lai, Ha Giang, send US shipments to the US in Hanoi, Ha Nam, Ha Tinh, Hung Yen, Khanh Hoa, Kien Giang, Kon Tum, Lai Chau, Lam Dong, Lang Son, Lao Cai, Long An, Nam Dinh, Nghe An, Ninh Binh, Ninh Thuan, Phu Tho Quang Binh, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Quang Ninh, Quang Tri, Soc Trang, Son La, Tay Ninh, Thai Binh, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Thua Thien Hue, Tien Giang, Tra Vinh, Tuyen Quang, Vinh Phuc, Yen Bai, Phu Yen, Can Tho, Ho Chi Min hour.

Please contact us via hotline 0981588158 for instructions and assistance.

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Shipping to the US cheapest in Hai Phong
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Policies on shipments to the United States

Currently, the United States is one of the leading countries in the economy and has close ties with Vietnam, this bilateral relationship is being built longer and more sustainably. When their lives are well-off, wealthy, demand for US forms of merchandise and freight, sending goods abroad for relatives and friends is increasing.

Because of this, the demand for international shipping has grown and the United States has become a big market for Vietnam’s shipments sent and dispatched. In particular, the shipment to the US cheap prices of immigration and settlement is quite crowded.

vietaircargo Policies on shipments to the United States

So before the current situation, the shipping service to the US was built to connect with relatives and friends in the US and the rest of Vietnam can use and enjoy the familiar goods of My hometown

But to be able to ship to the United States easily, safely and conveniently, you need to know the policies that they set out to ensure that your shipments move quickly, safely and conveniently.

Items that are not shipped to the US:

We do not accept any kind of goods prohibited from export according to state regulations, dangerous goods, explosive substances, weapons, ammunition etc. These items are strictly specified in the Appendix. I according to Decree No. 187/2013 / ND-CP.

We also do not pick up items of illegal origin or origin of unknown origin, which do not clearly prove origin. Will be confiscated by the functional control agencies and can not be compensated.

If the customer still deliberately sends these kinds of goods will be subject to all legal responsibilities, confiscated by the authorities and not be compensated for the cost of products.

Regulations for light and bulky cargo when shiping to the US:

During the international airfreight for lightweight and bulky cargoes, it is necessary to convert to volume by weight of the product. This helps locate the space in the cabin to ensure the safety of the shipment as well as the basis of accurate pricing of freight.

The formula is calculated as follows: [Length (cm) x Width (cm) x Height (cm)] / 5,000.

Form of packing goods:

Should: You should leave invoices, instruction manuals on the inside of the box; Use adhesive tape to glue outside the container; At least one smooth surface is required to seal the shipping bill.

Do not: you should not use paper, cloth to pack goods; Use of rope, cloth, etc. to force the goods to easily slip during transportation.

For fragile goods such as glass, ceramics, …

Should: You need to use carton to pack the outside and air bubble nylon so that it can be inserted inside to reduce the impact of the product.

Packing: For small items in the same package, you should separate and wrap them individually. Use air bubbles to wrap the entire product, including the edges of the product, and then stack the goods together in a carton and stick it in adhesive tape. rope.

With such packaging will help you ensure the integrity of the product intact, not damaged during transportation and impact from the outside.

So: You should use sealed wooden boxes or pewter boxes that insert sponge, foam, sponge, air bubble, etc. Keep the bottles free from impact while moving and preventing the bottles, bottles and jars from breaking.

Packing: with bottles that need to be sealed carefully wrapped around the mouth of the bottle, ensuring that the liquid does not leak out of the bottle.

Electronic items such as phones, laptops, cameras, etc.

So: you need to use a cushioning material such as PE foam, PU or air bubble nylon, use these materials to insert between the products.

Do not: You are not using larger size containers than the inside.

Packaging: Use pads to wrap around the product, fix the corners with adhesive tape, and then use a carton to wrap the outside of the product.

Other types of goods:

So: you use specialized packaging materials to ensure that the goods are not moved inside the carton, so choose the carton size appropriate for the product.

Do not: You should not let fragile items close together and insert foam panels in the middle to avoid the corners, edges, surface of the product when touching the goods.

With products such as clothes: you just need to wrap the plastic bag and then use tape to wrap the package is okay.

Shipper’s Responsibilities:

The sender should declare all required information correctly and fully in the package and provide the relevant documents to ensure the legality of the sender.

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Policies on shipments to the United States
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Notes when shipping to the US and the principle of compensation

Currently, the United States is rapidly growing in terms of services, including express delivery services. Understanding these needs, our international courier company has linked and expanded the system of shipping services to US cheap and US shipments to Vietnam safely.

cong-ty-gui-hang-di-my Notes when shipping to the US and the principle of compensation

Notes on shipping to the USA:

Vietnamese people living in the US are quite familiar with shipping from the US to Vietnam, but when using shipping services to the US, customers should pay close attention to the following:

Time to ship a shipment from Vietnam to the US usually lasts from 3 to 7 days depending on the choice of the customer package: fast (2-3 days) or slow (6-7 days) )

Express delivery services are guaranteed: using the courier services of famous companies in the world such as DHL, TNT, Fedex, UPS. These are reputable courier services to the consignee.

Import tax: depends on each commodity and the price of each commodity in order to obtain the tax rate in accordance with the regulations of the importing country. With each importing country will be prescribed according to a quota, so that recipients can be tax exempt different. However, each value of the goods will be misrepresented to its true value within the allowable limits, at the customs office of the importing country, which may reassess the cost of the goods when it comes to international express and tariffs. That rate is still applied normally.

Products sent to the United States with one or more small parts made of wood, even if treated, still need to be carefully disinfected before leaving the United States. The cost of disinfection in Vietnam is only $ 25 but to the US is $ 450 (excluding VAT).

Products that have nutritional effects for humans and animals, even though they are quarantined by Vietnam and have FDA registration, can still be destroyed in the US because of the quality of these products that are not FDA approved and imported. Into the US market. Cancellations usually range from US $ 50 to US $ 50 depending on the level of shipment, and shipping costs to Vietnam will be four times the cost of shipping from Vietnam to the United States.

Fraudulence in the declaration of goods is very likely to affect delayed clearance, delayed release and even canceled or repaired whole lot without prior notification.

Principles of compensation for international express delivery:

As for International Express Service, we make clear compensation provisions to ensure the interests of our customers. When customers use our services, pay attention to the following principles to understand the benefits of yourself and use the right kind of service for yourself.

Damages will be paid to the sender, or to the sender if specified by the sender.

In case of loss or partial damage, the compensation will be calculated as follows:

Claim Amount = Lost Weight Ratio or Damage * Compensation Level.

Appeal time is as follows:

+ 06 months, calculated from the end of the full time of the postal articles, for goods which have been lost due to the loss of postal articles or the delivery of postdocs compared to the time they have been publicized; In case the enterprise does not announce the full time, the statute of limitations will be calculated immediately after the date of acceptance;

+ 01 month from the date the item is delivered to the addressee for complaints about damaged or damaged postal articles, freight rates and other contents related to postal articles.

+ The time to file a complaint is within 3 months for international services since the party to the service received a written complaint.

+ In cases where the service company and the sender have a specific agreement, the service company will pay compensation according to the specific agreement has set out.

Please contact VietAir Cargo immediately to get the best advice and support for you

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Notes when shipping to the US and the principle of compensation
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What is Packagetrackr?

VietAir Cargo will support USPS and UPS in parallel with FedEx to help customers more convenient transportation of goods to VietAir Cargo’s California warehouse. Shipping to Vietnam is now simpler than ever. You can check whether the item has arrived at VietAir Cargo’s warehouse in California by visiting Packagetrackr

How to use Packagetrack to check orders

First go to and then select the unit you ship from other states to our VietAir Cargo office in California: USPS, UPS, FedEx. Next, enter your tracking number. And click on “Track it”

packagetrack-la-gi What is Packagetrackr?

When the status of your order appears, include some information such as weight, service, delivery, delivery, sender name, address in google map, …

It is convenient to use to check the goods sent to the US domestic address VietAir Cargo company in California right you. In addition, VietAir Cargo is a reliable partner of FedEx so when you use the service to send domestic US to VietAir Cargo to ship US goods to Vietnam cheap, you will be entitled to up to 50% shipping costs FedEx offline.

You do not hesitate to contact immediately with VietAir Cargo to use American buyers and US shipments to the best of Vietnam today.

⛪Office in the United States:
1208 Story Rd, San Jose, CA 95122 Hotline ☎: (408) 898-9999
⛪Office in Vietnam:
50/18 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ward 3, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Hotline ☎ 09.8158.8158
For any inquiries, please contact VietAir Cargo via email: or via website:, facebook:

?He served to customers. Thank you!

_dmca_premi_badge_4 What is Packagetrackr?
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Gởi hàng và chuyển tiền từ Mỹ về Việt Nam, Mua hàng Mỹ, ship hàng Mỹ, order hàng Mỹ