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Bạn nên thử chuyển hàng đi Mỹ giá rẻ với VietAir Cargo

Ngày nay tại thị trường Việt Nam hiện nay có rất nhiều cá nhân, doanh nghiệp nhận mua hang my, ship hàng Mỹ và đặc biệt là gửi hàng đi Mỹ nhanh chóng và có khá nhiều đơn vị chưa đáp ứng thật sự được nhu cầu người Việt Nam muốn gửi quà và hàng cho người thân tại Mỹ. Nắm bắt được tình hình đó VietAir Cargo đã xây dựng được hệ thống chuyên nghiệp, kho bãi rộng rãi cùng đội ngũ nhân viên hỗ trợ hùng hậu nhiệt tình để giúp quý khách hàng có thể yên tâm chuyển hàng đi Mỹ giá rẻ.

chuyen-hang-di-my-gia-re-voi-vietair-cargo Bạn nên thử chuyển hàng đi Mỹ giá rẻ với VietAir Cargo

Chuyển hàng đi Mỹ giá rẻ với VietAir Cargo

Giới thiệu về dịch vụ chuyển hàng đi Mỹ giá rẻ với VietAir Cargo.

Xem thêm: Dịch vụ chuyển tiền quốc tế Việt Mỹ

VietAir Cargo có lịch sử lâu đời nhất trong các công ty vận chuyển Việt Nam -Mỹ. VietAir Cargo có trụ sở tại San Jose, California và Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam.

Mỗi tháng VietAir Cargo thường vận chuyển cho hơn 500 khách hàng có nhu cầu gửi hàng đi Mỹ và hơn 2 tấn hàng được gửi từ Việt Nam sang Mỹ. 98% khách hàng hài lòng và tiếp tục sử dụng dịch vụ của VietAir Cargo chúng tôi sau lần đầu tiên sử dụng.

VietAir Cargo có văn phòng và kho bãi rộng rãi, có trên 50 nhân viên hỗ trợ tư vấn cho bạn nhiệt tình và chu đáo.

VietAir Cargo là đơn vị chuyển hàng đi Mỹ giá rẻ nhất, nhanh nhất hiện nay. Chỉ mất khoảng 7 đến 10 ngày hàng đã được vận chuyển sang Mỹ an toàn. VietAir Cargo giao hàng tận tay người thân của bạn tại Mỹ.

vietair-cargo-don-vi-chuyen-hang-di-my-hang-dau-viet-nam Bạn nên thử chuyển hàng đi Mỹ giá rẻ với VietAir Cargo

VietAir Cargo đơn vị chuyển hàng đi Mỹ giá rẻ hàng đầu Việt Nam

Những lưu ý trước khi chuyển hàng đi Mỹ giá rẻ

Trước khi bạn muốn gửi hàng đi Mỹ bạn hãy liên hệ trước cho VietAir Cargo chúng tôi để được hỗ trợ và tư vấn bởi có một số món hàng và mặt hàng khó có thể gửi hàng đi Mỹ. Sau khi liên hệ với VietAir Cargo bạn có thể gửi hàng đến văn phòng VietAir Cargo tại Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam để chúng tôi đóng kiện hàng của bạn và chuyển hàng đi Mỹ cho bạn.

Có thể bạn chưa biết:

  • Chia sẻ kinh nghiệm mua đồ chơi Mỹ ship về Việt Nam giá rẻ.
  • Chính sách của dịch vụ gửi hàng từ Việt Nam đi Mỹ.
  • Hướng dẫn mua hàng tại Mỹ và ship về Việt Nam giá rẻ với VietAir Cargo.
  • Quy trình ship hàng từ California về Việt Nam chuyên nghiệp nhất.
  • Bạn đang muốn gửi hàng từ Hoa Kỳ về Việt Nam nhanh nhất.

Mọi thắc mắc khách hàng hãy liên hệ với VietAir Cargo chúng tôi qua email: hoặc qua website:, facebook:

Văn phòng tại Mỹ:
1208 Story Rd, San Jose, CA 95122 Hotline: (408) 898-9999

Văn phòng tại Việt Nam:
50/18 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu Phường 3 – Quận Phú Nhuận, Hồ Chí Minh Hotline 09.8158.8158

Hân hạnh được phục vụ quý khách hàng . Cảm ơn!

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Bạn nên thử chuyển hàng đi Mỹ giá rẻ với VietAir Cargo
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Chính sách của dịch vụ gửi hàng từ Việt Nam đi Mỹ

VietAir Cargo là công ty hàng đầu trong lĩnh vực ship hàng từ Mỹ về Việt Nam nhanh nhấtgửi hàng từ Việt Nam sang Mỹ với trên 7 năm kinh nghiệm VietAir Cargo đã xây dựng được thương hiệu và chỗ đứng riêng. VietAir Cargo được mọi người đánh giá không chỉ là nhanh chóng, chuyên nghiệp chi phí rẻ mà còn được yêu thích bởi thái độ hỗ trợ tư vấn rất nhiệt tình và tận tâm của đội ngũ surport. Để giúp khách hàng hiểu rõ thêm về dịch vụ gửi hàng đi M VietAir Cargo sẽ cung cấp cho mọi người những chính sách của dịch vụ gửi hàng từ Việt Nam đi Mỹ.

chinh-sach-gui-hang-tu-viet-nam-di-my Chính sách của dịch vụ gửi hàng từ Việt Nam đi Mỹ

Chính sách gửi hàng từ Việt Nam đi Mỹ

Giải đáp những chính sách gửi hàng từ Việt Nam đi Mỹ.

Xem thêm: Dịch vụ chuyển tiền quốc tế đáng tin cậy của VietAir Cargo.

  • Các loại mặt hàng không nhận gửi đi Mỹ của VietAir Cargo. VietAir Cargo không nhận vận chuyển các loại hàng hóa cấm xuất khẩu theo quy định của nhà nước Việt Nam và Hoa Kỳ, hàng nguy hiểm, cháy, nổ, vũ khí, đạn dược,các loại hàng hoá có nguồn gốc phi hợp pháp, không chứng minh được nguồn gốc…
  • Công thức tính hàng cồng kềnh, quá tải, vượt quá cho phép.

Công thức tính như sau: [Dài (cm) x Rộng (cm) x Cao (cm)] / 5.000

  • Trách nhiệm của người gửi hàng

Người gửi hàng từ Việt Nam đi Mỹ phải kê khai đầy đủ đúng thông tin của các món hàng có trong kiện hàng và những giấy tờ liên quan chứng thực chất lượng cũng như tính pháp lý của các món hàng. Bạn phải chịu trách nhiệm trước pháp luật những gì bạn kê khai.

  • Miễn trừ trách nhiệm.

Trường hợp bất khả kháng như thiên tai, chiến sự, trễ hoặc hủy chuyến hàng không;

Bưu kiện bị hư hỏng, mất mát do các cơ quan nhà nước có thẩm quyền tịch thu;

Bưu kiện không giao được do lỗi của khách hàng gửi hàng và người nhận hàng như cung câp sai địa chỉ, thông tin của người gửi hoặc người nhận, không liên lạc được cho hai bên.

Những hàng hóa dễ vỡ, thuộc dạng chất lỏng, hóa chất và những hàng hóa bị hư hại do đặc tính tự nhiên của chúng.

giai-dap-nhung-chinh-sach-gui-hang-tu-viet-nam-di-my Chính sách của dịch vụ gửi hàng từ Việt Nam đi Mỹ

Giải đáp những chính sách gửi hàng từ Việt Nam đi Mỹ

Địa chỉ gửi hàng từ Việt Nam đi Mỹ uy tín.

Mọi thắc mắc khách hàng hãy liên hệ với VietAir Cargo chúng tôi qua email: hoặc qua website:, facebook:

Văn phòng tại Mỹ:
1208 Story Rd, San Jose, CA 95122 Hotline: (408) 898-9999

Văn phòng tại Việt Nam:
50/18 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu Phường 3 – Quận Phú Nhuận, Hồ Chí Minh Hotline 09.8158.8158

Hân hạnh được phục vụ quý khách hàng . Cảm ơn!

Có thể bạn chưa biết:

  • Những băn khoăn khi sử dụng dịch vụ gửi hàng đi Mỹ giá rẻ của VietAir Cargo.
  • Dịch vụ ship hàng từ California về Việt Nam tốt nhất hiện nay?.
  • Hướng dẫn mua hàng tại Mỹ và ship về Việt Nam giá rẻ với VietAir Cargo.
  • Quy trình ship hàng từ California về Việt Nam chuyên nghiệp nhất.
  • Bạn đang muốn gửi hàng từ Hoa Kỳ về Việt Nam nhanh nhất.
_dmca_premi_badge_4 Chính sách của dịch vụ gửi hàng từ Việt Nam đi Mỹ
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Những câu hỏi thường gặp dịch vụ gửi hàng đi Mỹ của VietAir Cargo

Ngày nay khi nhắc đến dịch vụ ship hàng từ Mỹ về Việt Nam giá rẻdịch vụ gửi hàng đi Mỹ mọi người thường nghĩ ngay đến VietAir Cargo bởi khi sử dụng dịch vụ ở đây họ được VietAir Cargo hỗ trợ tận tình, chu đáo và hết mình vì khách hàng, bạn luôn luôn được giải đáp mọi thắc mắc và vấn đề một cách nhanh nhất và chính xác nhất. Để mọi người càng hiểu rõ hơn về dịch vụ gửi hàng đi Mỹ của VietAir Cargo chúng tôi thì hãy xem những câu hỏi thường gặp khi sử dụng dịch vụ gửi hàng đi Mỹ nhé.

Xem thêm: Dịch vụ chuyển tiền quốc tế chuyên nghiệp của VietAir Cargo.

dich-vu-gui-hang-di-my-cua-vietair-cargo Những câu hỏi thường gặp dịch vụ gửi hàng đi Mỹ của VietAir Cargo

Dịch vụ gửi hàng đi Mỹ của VietAir Cargo

Giải đáp những câu hỏi thường gặp khi sử dụng dịch vụ gửi hàng đi Mỹ của VietAir Cargo.

  • Làm sao để tôi có thể chuyển phát gửi hàng từ Việt Nam đi Mỹ của VietAir Cargo? .Trả lời: Bạn vui lòng liên hệ với bộ phận gửi hàng đi Mỹ của VietAir Cargo đẻ được hướng dẫn cụ thể và chi tiết.
  • Tôi muốn biết về chi phí gửi hàng đi Mỹthời gian gửi hàng đi Mỹ thì phải xem ở đâu?. Trả lời: Bạn có thể xem qua bảng giá gửi hàng đi Mỹ của VietAir Cargo và thông thường từ 7 đến 10 ngày hàng sẽ sang đến California, Hoa Kỳ kể từ khi hàng của bạn ở kho Hồ Chí Minh.
  • Những giấy tờ nào cần có để gửi hàng đi Mỹ?. Trả lời: Khi bạn gửi thực phẩm đi Mỹ cần có một số giấy tờ nhập khẩu của Mỹ, hãy liên hệ với VietAir Cargo nhé.
  • VietAir Cargo hỗ trợ gửi hàng đi Mỹ cho những tỉnh thành nào? Trả lời: VietAir Cargo hỗ trợ dịch vụ gửi hàng đi Mỹ cho tất cả 63 tỉnh thành tại Việt Nam. Bạn hãy thông báo gửi hàng đi Mỹ và gửi hàng đến văn phòng VietAir Cargo tại Hồ Chí Minh.
  • Những mặt hàng nào VietAir Cargo không hỗ trợ gửi hàng đi Mỹ? Trả lời: VietAir Cargo không hỗ trợ gửi hàng đi Mỹ cho những mặt hàng : chất lỏng, hóa chất, hàng cồng kềnh, hàng quá khổ, hàng nguyên khối có trọng lượng lớn.
  • Cách tính hàng bị over size của VietAir Cargo như thế nào?. Trả lời : Cách tính như sau : [Dài (cm) x Rộng (cm) x Cao (cm)] / 5.000.
nhung-cau-hoi-thuong-gap-khi-su-dung-dich-vu-gui-hang-di-my Những câu hỏi thường gặp dịch vụ gửi hàng đi Mỹ của VietAir Cargo

Những câu hỏi thường gặp khi sử dụng dịch vụ gửi hàng đi Mỹ của VietAir Cargo

Có thể bạn chưa biết:

  • Hướng dẫn vận chuyển hàng từ Texas về Việt Nam nhanh nhất.
  • Dịch vụ ship hàng từ California về Việt Nam tốt nhất hiện nay?.
  • Hướng dẫn mua hàng tại Mỹ và ship về Việt Nam giá rẻ với VietAir Cargo.
  • Quy trình ship hàng từ California về Việt Nam chuyên nghiệp nhất.
  • Bạn đang muốn gửi hàng từ Hoa Kỳ về Việt Nam nhanh nhất.

Mọi thắc mắc khách hàng hãy liên hệ với VietAir Cargo chúng tôi qua email: hoặc qua website:, facebook:

Văn phòng tại Mỹ:
1208 Story Rd, San Jose, CA 95122 Hotline: (408) 898-9999

Văn phòng tại Việt Nam:
50/18 Nguyễn Đình Chiểu Phường 3 – Quận Phú Nhuận, Hồ Chí Minh Hotline 09.8158.8158

Hân hạnh được phục vụ quý khách hàng . Cảm ơn!

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Những câu hỏi thường gặp dịch vụ gửi hàng đi Mỹ của VietAir Cargo
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Where to ship to USA is best in Nha Trang?

Frequently Asked Questions to VietAir Cargo: How to use US shipment services in Nha Trang, cheap shipping to the US? Where is the best in Nha Trang? Nha Trang with VietAir Cargo, why not?. In this article we will answer that question for you.

lam-sao-de-su-dung-dich-vu-ship-hang-my-tai-nha-trang Where to ship to USA is best in Nha Trang?

VietAir CArgo Company in Nha Trang provides shipping service to the US with:

– Time to ship to USA quickly with the fastest time. 7 to 10 days after delivery to VietAir Cargo Ho Chi Minh warehouse.

– VietAir Cargo accepts shipment to the US by air.

– We guarantee confidentiality of customer information

– Quick quotation, standard 24/7

– Commitment to goods in the status quo, not broken, full stamp.

– We process all documents, customs procedures for you.

– You can manually manage orders on account and track orders often through our automated email system and sms.

Should see: Buy US in Nha Trang with VietAir Cargo, Buy US customers in Nha Trang with VietAir Cargo, why not?

VietAir Cargo accepts US purchases, purchases US goods, ships to the US for all customers in Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa, or customers located in Xuong Huan Ward, Van Thanh, Van Thang, Phuong Sai, Phu Tho, Phuoc Tan, Phuoc Hoa, Tan Lap, Loc Tho, Phuoc Hai, Phuoc Long, Vinh Truong, Vinh Nguyen and the western suburban communes of Vinh Hiep, Vinh Thai, Vinh Thanh, Vinh Central and Vinh Luong, Vinh Phuong, Vinh Ngoc and Dong De areas, including Vinh Phuoc, Vinh Hai, Vinh Hoa and Vinh Tho.

We have been providing a lot of good services to our customers in 63 provinces in the country.At present we offer services to buy US goods, buy US goods in Nha Trang, send goods to the US Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi, Da Nang, Nha Trang, Binh Phuoc, Ba Ria – Vung Tau, Bac Lieu, Bac Ninh, Binh Dinh, Binh Duong, Ca Mau, Ben Tre, Yen Bai, Cao Bang, Bac Ha Noi, Ha Tinh, transporting goods to the US in Hai Phong, Hai Duong, Hoa Binh, Hung Yen, Dak Nong, Dak Lak, Khanh Hoa, Gia Ninh Thuan, Lao Cai, Nghe An, Ninh Binh, Thanh Hoa, Phu Tho, Hau Giang, Quang Binh, Quang Nam, Quang Ninh, Nam Dinh, Quang Tri, Dien Bien, Soc Trang, Bac Giang, Phu Yen, Son La, Lai Chau, Tay Ninh, Thai Binh, Long An, Kon Tum, Vinh Long, Thua Thien Hue, Tien Giang, Tra Vinh, Quang Ngai, Vinh Phuc, Thai Nguyen, Lang Son, Can Tho.

Contact us immediately with VietAir Cargo:

Office in USA:
1208 Story Rd, San Jose, CA 95122 Hotline: (408) 898-9999
Office in Vietnam:
50/18 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ward 3, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Hotline 09.8158.8158
For inquiries, please contact VietAir Cargo via email: or via website:, facebook:

Pleased to serve customers. Thank you!

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Where to ship to USA is best in Nha Trang?
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Shipping to the US cheapest in Hai Phong

You are living and working in Hai Phong want to send gifts, send goods to the US for relatives ?, you want the cheapest, quality, safe and fastest. Come to VietAir Cargo’s shipping service to Haiphong.

ban-da-thu-order-hang-my-gia-re-tai-hai-phong Shipping to the US cheapest in Hai Phong

Shipping to the US in Haiphong the cheapest price with VietAir Cargo

VietAir Cargo shipment service to the US has been over 7 years of construction and development. Our service is available in 63 cities and provinces in the United States.

VietAir Cargo is headquartered in California, USA with offices in Vietnam at 50/18 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, Ward 3, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City.

VietAir Cargo has the cheapest US shipping price. Please refer to our US shipping prices, you will see that.

VietAir Cargo we ship to the US by air should shorten a lot of time, within 7 to 10 days, your goods will go to our VietAir Cargo store in California, USA and you You can call home to our warehouse for pickup or we will ship to your loved ones in the US with FedEx, UPS, USPS, FedEx.

VietAir Cargo accepts shipments to the United States for all business and personal purposes in Hong Bang District, Le Chan District, Ngo Quyen District, Kien An District, Hai An District, Doing District, Yangjing District and in An Lao Districts. Kien Thuy district, Thuy Nguyen district, An Duong district, Tien Lang district, Vinh Bao district, Cat Hai district, Bach Long Vi district of Hai Phong city.

VietAir Cargo shipments to the US are available throughout 63 provinces of An Giang, Ba Ria – Vung Tau, Bac Giang, Bac Kan, Bac Lieu, Bac Ninh, Ben Tre, Binh Dinh, Binh Duong, Binh Phuoc, Binh Thuan, Ca Mau, Cao Bang, Dak Lak, Dak Nong, Dien Bien, Dong Nai, Dong Thap, Gia Lai, Ha Giang, send US shipments to the US in Hanoi, Ha Nam, Ha Tinh, Hung Yen, Khanh Hoa, Kien Giang, Kon Tum, Lai Chau, Lam Dong, Lang Son, Lao Cai, Long An, Nam Dinh, Nghe An, Ninh Binh, Ninh Thuan, Phu Tho Quang Binh, Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, Quang Ninh, Quang Tri, Soc Trang, Son La, Tay Ninh, Thai Binh, Thai Nguyen, Thanh Hoa, Thua Thien Hue, Tien Giang, Tra Vinh, Tuyen Quang, Vinh Phuc, Yen Bai, Phu Yen, Can Tho, Ho Chi Min hour.

Please contact us via hotline 0981588158 for instructions and assistance.

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Shipping to the US cheapest in Hai Phong
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Notes when shipping to the US and the principle of compensation

Currently, the United States is rapidly growing in terms of services, including express delivery services. Understanding these needs, our international courier company has linked and expanded the system of shipping services to US cheap and US shipments to Vietnam safely.

cong-ty-gui-hang-di-my Notes when shipping to the US and the principle of compensation

Notes on shipping to the USA:

Vietnamese people living in the US are quite familiar with shipping from the US to Vietnam, but when using shipping services to the US, customers should pay close attention to the following:

Time to ship a shipment from Vietnam to the US usually lasts from 3 to 7 days depending on the choice of the customer package: fast (2-3 days) or slow (6-7 days) )

Express delivery services are guaranteed: using the courier services of famous companies in the world such as DHL, TNT, Fedex, UPS. These are reputable courier services to the consignee.

Import tax: depends on each commodity and the price of each commodity in order to obtain the tax rate in accordance with the regulations of the importing country. With each importing country will be prescribed according to a quota, so that recipients can be tax exempt different. However, each value of the goods will be misrepresented to its true value within the allowable limits, at the customs office of the importing country, which may reassess the cost of the goods when it comes to international express and tariffs. That rate is still applied normally.

Products sent to the United States with one or more small parts made of wood, even if treated, still need to be carefully disinfected before leaving the United States. The cost of disinfection in Vietnam is only $ 25 but to the US is $ 450 (excluding VAT).

Products that have nutritional effects for humans and animals, even though they are quarantined by Vietnam and have FDA registration, can still be destroyed in the US because of the quality of these products that are not FDA approved and imported. Into the US market. Cancellations usually range from US $ 50 to US $ 50 depending on the level of shipment, and shipping costs to Vietnam will be four times the cost of shipping from Vietnam to the United States.

Fraudulence in the declaration of goods is very likely to affect delayed clearance, delayed release and even canceled or repaired whole lot without prior notification.

Principles of compensation for international express delivery:

As for International Express Service, we make clear compensation provisions to ensure the interests of our customers. When customers use our services, pay attention to the following principles to understand the benefits of yourself and use the right kind of service for yourself.

Damages will be paid to the sender, or to the sender if specified by the sender.

In case of loss or partial damage, the compensation will be calculated as follows:

Claim Amount = Lost Weight Ratio or Damage * Compensation Level.

Appeal time is as follows:

+ 06 months, calculated from the end of the full time of the postal articles, for goods which have been lost due to the loss of postal articles or the delivery of postdocs compared to the time they have been publicized; In case the enterprise does not announce the full time, the statute of limitations will be calculated immediately after the date of acceptance;

+ 01 month from the date the item is delivered to the addressee for complaints about damaged or damaged postal articles, freight rates and other contents related to postal articles.

+ The time to file a complaint is within 3 months for international services since the party to the service received a written complaint.

+ In cases where the service company and the sender have a specific agreement, the service company will pay compensation according to the specific agreement has set out.

Please contact VietAir Cargo immediately to get the best advice and support for you

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Notes when shipping to the US and the principle of compensation
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Service transportation to the US cheap, professional, fast

It is because of the strength of the United States and the bilateral relationship between the United States and Vietnam has always had a strong relationship, so the people of Vietnam to the US living and studying there is very crowded. Thanks to that connection, the field of import and export of goods in Vietnam has grown rapidly. Particularly in the field of transporting goods to the US, buying US goods and sending goods from the US to Vietnam.

mua-hang-nuoc-ngoai Service transportation to the US cheap, professional, fast

A new point in the field of transportation services to the US:

The shipping companies to the US have used the service and work with some of the most famous companies in the world in the field of express delivery such as TNT, DHL, Fedex, … so it is always guaranteed Professionalism, prestige, and quality of shipping services to the USA are guaranteed by:

  • Shipping to the US by DHL courier
  • Shipping to the US by TNT
  • Ship to the US with FedEx shipping

Shipping to the United States is always committed:

Shipping to the United States to the recipient.

Shipping to the US is received with the following items: technology, electronic components, machines, cosmetics, garments, food, samples, medical items, …

Ship to the United States with difficult to export items that the United States retained such as tobacco, hard to decompose goods, fresh goods, ….

When you come to our US shipping service, you always receive the best quality service package, while shipping to the US, there are promotions up to 30% service charge transfer. Different from the companies that have packages to ship to the US.

What makes customers love shipping service to the US like that?

We have large cargo trucks, container trucks, with large weights for shipping by sea

Shipped by specialized aircraft of DHL shipping companies.

Details of shipments to the US:

  • Shipping package to USA: 2-3 days
  • Super Savings Package: 5-7 days
  • Courier delivery to USA super savings: 1-2 weeks
  • Package delivery to extremely fast
  • Cargo shipment with super saving sea freight

When using the US shipment package, we are committed to:

Packages shipped to the US with speeding package.

The time to deliver according to the contract was assigned appointment, fast.

100% of the merchandise confidentiality does not contain the content of the customer’s message.

Always packing, guarding goods, parcels, luggage, … ensure the safety, limited risk.

Goods are sealed with stamps, labels, marks, free papers.

Quick and accurate declaration of import and export tax.

When you need to use shipping services to the United States, please contact us immediately to be consulted and own the best discount packages on the market today.

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Service transportation to the US cheap, professional, fast
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Shipping service to the US cheap, prestigious, professional, fast.

International shipping has become one of the essential necessities in today’s social life. In fact, fast delivery takes many forms, depending on the needs of each customer. With VietAir Cargo‘s cheap shipping service, we will receive courier goods, gifts, letters, documents, etc. from Vietnam to the US. If you have a need for fast delivery to the United States, you should contact us immediately, to have questions, we have a team of experienced professionals in the field of shipping overseas. Help your goods always ensure the highest safety.

nhung-hinh-thuc-chuyen-hang-ve-viet-nam Shipping service to the US cheap, prestigious, professional, fast.

Shipping service to the US:

Along with the development of the society is formed and the development of various types of services provide users with many practical utility. We are the shipping service provider to the US to see the necessity of courier service, we have boldly invested in this industry together with a team of professional staff with extensive experience in the field. Sector, below we are pleased to introduce to you the benefits that our service:

  • Help save time for customers
  • Cost savings in revenues
  • Free of charge for packing postal packages
  • Can use packaging to exploit advertising for their own production and business.

In fact, we are now the official agent of many famous international express carriers in the world, so when using our courier service, customers can be assured of Its goods. When to use the service, customers can contact us to be selected with the following types of services:

  • DHL Express Delivery Service
  • TNT Express Delivery Service
  • Fedex courier service
  • UPS courier service, … ..

In addition, there are some other utilities that the courier we provide to customers as follows:

Advise customers to use the freight package, courier service to meet the needs and save the most cost.

Always support customers 24/24 both inside and outside working hours, receive goods at any location that guests have needs.

The highest level of support for import and export procedures, re-entry of goods with repair items, complex items requiring the production of many related papers such as quarantine, consultancy Updated international cargo laws.

Continuous tracking of merchandise disclosure and delivery of status information whenever customers request.

Free packing for guests and some kind of different services.

With any time you want to ship to the US, you call us, VietAir Cargo we will come to the place to get goods for you. Regardless of the cost of fast delivery, customers are completely assured of our service by:

We have agent systems with more than 200 countries, and we are the top quality courier company in the market today.

After you have shipped, you have the order number to easily track your shipment: date, time of delivery, recipient and date of pick up and clearance. These always ensure that your package is being shipped correctly and on schedule that can not be confused with any other shipments.

We always serve customers anytime, anywhere, not limited to location, location, weight, size of goods.

Free packing, safe and careful always ensure the safety of your goods to the top.

Receipt and delivery.

Fast customs clearance.

Notify customers before and after the goods have been received.

The invoice is clear and transparent with time, date and time.

Take delivery, delivery and specific paper, transparent transparencies.

Compensation 100% if unfortunate loss occurs.

Be present at all times when requested.

There are modern transportation vehicles such as cars, trucks, airplanes, boats, …
⛪Office in the United States:
1208 Story Rd, San Jose, CA 95122 Hotline ☎: (408) 898-9999
⛪Office in Vietnam:
50/18 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ward 3, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Hotline ☎ 09.8158.8158
For any inquiries, please contact VietAir Cargo via email: or via website:, facebook:

?He served to customers. Thank you!

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Shipping service to the US cheap, prestigious, professional, fast.
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Shipping to USA Cheap, professional, Prestige, Guarantee.

The mode of shipping to the US is one of the routes that many individuals and companies learn. The goods shipped to the US are usually made by individuals or close relatives in the US, children studying, trading companies with US partners. In fact, people often pay attention to the time to ship goods to the United States and shipped to the US cheap. Vietair Cargo is a company specializing in the field of shipping to the US for many years experience in the industry, to us you will be using the best package with the lowest cost.

dich-vu-mua-hang-my-truc-tuyen-chuyen-nghiep Shipping to USA Cheap, professional, Prestige, Guarantee.

Where to transport the US to ensure safety?

Wherever you want to ship to anywhere or any country, we can still give you quotes without waiting, just a few minutes to get results. The delivery of his goods.

Each shipment to the United States (van chuyen hang My) should meet the requirements as below:

  • Packing process: The goods must be packaged in accordance with proper packaging and labeling.
  • For fragile items: need to insert buttons, foam inserts, anti-squash tools and wooden bales (if needed).
  • Packaging Carton, vacuum to special items.

We always provide special assistance to customers when applying for food stamps, food stamps and free cartons for customers who wish to ship to the US. Customers will no longer worry about the type of questions such as: “Where should I ship to the United States most assured?”, Because we will come to the place to receive goods and send to customers to ensure safety. absolute.

We specialize in receiving shipment to the US with the following items:

The types of items that we regularly transport such as: clothes, books, thick slippers, telephone, computer, vouchers, records, the model goods, cosmetics, industrial sewing machine ….

For items such as: fire, ammunition, chemical liquid, drugs, fresh food, unknown goods, … will not be shipped.

In addition, items that are quickly transferred to Vietnam are also received by us to the recipient.

Freight Forwarding to USA:

All kinds of goods in Vietnam will be shipped by air or by sea depending on the nature of each commodity and contract when making a purchase.

Goods will be packaged and transported from the head office in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, carefully checked and then transferred to US headquarters, staff will check again and transfer Directly to the recipient’s hand.

Time to ship goods to the US:

We always support the delivery service and courier to the US to home and close the customer with preferential price.

Express delivery package:

About 2-3 days for the Hanoi area and about 4-5 days for the Ho Chi Minh City area.

Slow transfer package:

About 5-7 days for the Hanoi area and about 10-14 days for the Ho Chi Minh area

Services to transfer goods safely to safety:

We will use catton carton to close, there are two plastic bags to protect against water, two bags of coconut to tear to ensure the safety of goods while transporting and avoid being unloaded during transportation. Kinds of items are carefully wrapped with plastic to prevent water from getting wet to the goods.

Fragile items are made with wooden crates. Plywood and stuffed foam to reduce shocks to goods.

We always have insurance for valuable and fragile goods.

> << What are you waiting for? Please contact us immediately to enjoy the best shipping service in Vietnam today!

⛪Office in the United States:
1208 Story Rd, San Jose, CA 95122 Hotline: (408) 898-9999
⛪Office in Vietnam:
50/18 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ward 3, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Hotline ☎ 09.8158.8158
If you have any questions, please contact VietAir Cargo via email: or via website:, facebook:

?He served to customers. Thank you!

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Shipping to USA Cheap, professional, Prestige, Guarantee.
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Shipping to the US and things you should know

In recent years, the purchase of goods as well as the shipment to the US (gui hang di My) of customers at home and abroad are developing very strong. Are you also one of those in need of shipping to the US? But you are looking to learn the basics of this service so you can guarantee your own benefits when using the service. In this article, VietAir Cargo will help our customers understand these issues.

How long does it take to ship to the US?

goi-hang-tu-viet-nam-qua-my-chuyen-nghiep Shipping to the US and things you should know

Vietnam is one of the countries that are far from the US, the distance between the two countries is almost half the world. Looking at them, the time to send from the big cities of Vietnam such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Hai Phong, … to the United States will take only 3-5 days if the goods Only in big US cities such as Wasington, New York, … and can be up to 5-7 days depending on distant centers. By means of regular shipments and special, bulky, shipments of goods, the time taken for shipping may be many times longer.

The issue of fast or slow shipments to the United States depends on a variety of subjective and objective factors. For goods to be shipped to the United States in the quickest possible time, please pay attention to the following points:

  • It is important to understand the list of prohibited goods entering the United States based on the information available on the Internet. Most of the prohibited items of US goods are quite consistent with the list of prohibited by international law.
  • Packaging is very careful when shipping, especially for fragile goods, liquid goods. This is to ensure the safety of goods shipped to the US to avoid processing time and abnormalities occurring during shipping.
  • It is important to specify the recipient’s address in the United States, avoiding misprinting, which will prevent your package from being delivered to the recipient. When the address has not been accurately recorded, it is difficult to receive.

Carriers who ship to the US in Vietnam:

In addition to paying attention to the time of shipment, you also need to pay attention to the selection of the company shipping to the United States has prestige, received a lot of feedback from different customers. At present, in Vietnam, there are 4 most prestige shipping brands in the United States. These are UPS Express, DHL Express, FedEx Express and TNT Express. This is one of the international shipping companies that have authorized representative offices in all countries in the world and are exploited, providing fast delivery services, making manual Customs clearance for customers when sending and importing goods. In order to use the services of these brands, you need to conduct the transaction through other domestic shipping agents, these shipping companies to be one of the first agents of the brands. Prestigious shipping above.

About US consignees and addresses:

During the shipment process to the US, the exact information and address to the consignee is extremely important. Customers need to provide the exact address of the consignee, so customers need to follow the following items:

  • The recipient’s name: The full name must be in the correct passport and identification, not the usual name or nickname, so that it is easy to check with the delivery officer and sign the receipt. Parcel of goods.
  • Address: Customer must specify details from room number, house number, street name, city name, US state. Address information must be consistent, avoid the case of changing the house number or street name.
  • Postcode in the US: This is the postal code of each region, each country has been specified and numbered in accordance with international standards, so you need to specify the US postal code on your goods.
  • Tel: the recipient’s telephone number, including personal telephone number, telephone number (if any). In addition, you can record more personal email of the recipient to the shipping side more easily contact.

Hopefully this article will help you in shipping to the US and things you need to pay the most attention when preparing your cargo. See more about VietAir Cargo’s price list

⛪Office in the United States:
1208 Story Rd, San Jose, CA 95122 Hotline ☎: (408) 898-9999
⛪Office in Vietnam:
50/18 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ward 3, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Hotline ☎ 09.8158.8158
For any inquiries, please contact VietAir Cargo via email: or via website:, facebook:

?He served to customers. Thank you!

_dmca_premi_badge_4 Shipping to the US and things you should know
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Gởi hàng và chuyển tiền từ Mỹ về Việt Nam, Mua hàng Mỹ, ship hàng Mỹ, order hàng Mỹ