Gởi hàng và chuyển tiền từ Mỹ về Việt Nam, Mua hàng Mỹ, ship hàng Mỹ, order hàng Mỹ

The problem of buying American, American shipping usually happens to customers

In this article I will not mention the issue should choose a service company VietAir Cargo, Vietlink Global or Giaonhan247 … can meet the demand for US purchases, shipping US customers that VietAir Cargo Want to talk about “ghost psychology” exists in the minds of many customers after experiencing the real service industry. These are the shares received from the actual customers and the confessions of many of the customers we read in community forums:

van-chuyen-gui-hang-tu-viet-nam-di-my The problem of buying American, American shipping usually happens to customers

Thanks to the American buying service company, full payment is required, but when the goods arrive at the customs of Vietnam, customers are required to pay additional fees, due to the customs officials made it difficult to pay more. Money is not always lost, the company is not responsible. In that situation, in common sense though very bothered in heart but you will still spend that more than lose it all. You lose an extra fee but that company has lost you forever, a capital loss action of companies that know the immediate benefit without seeing the long-term move.

A problem has caused many customers using the service of buying US goods are tired and lost faith in this service is the purchase of goods not in accordance with the information sent, has cost extra services to buy. But the company does not check the goods for the customer before sending. Prices will also reflect quality, but there are companies that just want to make a profit, so they did not make the right purchases. When goods arrive in Vietnam, it is not responsible when the customer’s problem.

The last sad thing for shipping service from USA to Vietnam is that the goods are lost but the deepest reason from where it is difficult to say exactly. For a long time, the articles regularly talk about the case of consignment goods are lost, damaged, when sending service is also unavoidable these problems. We do not know whether the loss of the cargo was caused by the other company deliberately taking or in the course of transportation, or during the process of customs clearance in Vietnam. There are too many risks that can happen if the service company can not control this problem but there will not be enough courage to bring the goods to the store.

There are a lot of painful issues, but more people are losing confidence in the industry, believing that there are many companies that work with their own conscience and professional ethics, always putting benefits. Of the customer up front. And VietAir Cargo always wants to bring the best benefits to our customers, we will protect your goods, gifts from friends and relatives as your own.

Thank you for your trust and respect

The problem of buying American, American shipping usually happens to customers 2017-06-12T20:53:55-07:00 2017-06-13T00:13:49-07:00 VietAir Cargo