On the website there are many questions raised with questions about Amazon such as: should buy Amazon from Vietnam? Or with questions such as: Are the Amazon items really guaranteed? These are the questions most buyers ask when buying in the United States, because they are always afraid of the risk of buying online. With our service provided to longtime consumers, now VietAir Cargo we are pleased to answer the problems and questions that you are asking about buying at Amazon and ship to Vietnam have guaranteed true or not.

Dịch vụ ship hàng từ amazon về việt nam của vietair cargo
Why should you choose to buy at Amazon?
- The service to buy at Amazon always brings to consumers the utilities and the most incentives.
- You can opt for and order at Amazon anytime anywhere 24/7.
- Amazon products are quite diverse and unique, most of the products have the leading brands in the world are present in Amazon.
- Prices are always cheaper than e-commerce sites, or other online stores in the country and in the world for the same product line.
- Buy at Amazon is approved by newsletters with attractive programs Sale large week, month, year with attractive discounts for buyers.
- You can take the initiative to pay with many different forms.
What are the risks of buying Amazon products on Vietnam?
Amazon items are categorized by seller and shipment methods by the three main groups:
- Group 1: These are the items Amazon directly distributes and shipped to the buyer, this is the best quality products.
- Group 2: The item that the distributor has consigned to the warehouse in Amazon, the daily group is also quite good control and also ensure the quality of goods and transport.
- Group 3: This is the type of item that is delivered and shipped by Amazon sales partners.
Of the three groups above, the third group is one of the most promising potential risk to consumers. Consequently, Amazon does not fully control and manage the quality of these products. Therefore, you should limit the purchase of this group 3 on Amazon, when you buy on Amazon to a certain extent, you are completely assured about the origin, origin and brand of the product.
1208 Story Rd, San Jose, CA 95122 Hotline
50/18 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ward 3, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Hotline
For any inquiries, please contact VietAir Cargo via email: info@vietaircargo.com or via website: https://vietaircargo.com, facebook: https://facebook.com/vietaircargo.
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