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How to buy goods on Amazon and US shipping service to Vietnam

You are in Vietnam and you want to order the best quality products from the US, and Amazon is definitely an online sales website in the US that you can not ignore. All the world knows about this famous site with millions of different products. This is a reputable, quality American sales website. If you do not have experience shopping on this website and how to ship to Vietnam, vietaircargo.com will be the best answer for you. Vietair Cargo where you can buy goods on Amazon cheap and the best American shipping service in Vietnam today.

tai-sao-nen-tranh-chuyen-khoan-truc-tiep-khi-tu-mua-hang-tren-amazon How to buy goods on Amazon and US shipping service to Vietnam

Why should you choose to buy at Amazon?

You probably already know that the United States is one of the most advanced economies in the world besides Japan. With a very advanced science and technology. Therefore, the products manufactured in the US are always high quality with durable time, safe to use by users have been strictly tested before launching.

Meanwhile, due to restrictions on tariff barriers and many other factors, the volume of goods imported directly into Vietnam has not met the demand of Vietnamese consumers. US goods are always “thirsty” of all Vietnamese consumers.

To still be able to own the luxury products, goods, high quality products originating from the United States and purchased in the US, the solution to buy on Amazon is the best solution. Coming to Amazon, you will have access to a world of high quality American goods, with all types, suitable for all your requirements from the fashion items, cosmetics, furniture, electrical appliances. Accessories, technology, sports equipment, stationery, … This is the website is known to consumers all over the world for many years.

Also when buying on Amazon, you are buying with extremely attractive price. Much cheaper than buying in Vietnam.

However, now there is a barrier for customers in Vietnam that Amazon has not shipped back to Vietnam for customers. That’s why not everyone can buy Amazon. The best solution for you is to use My ship to Vietnam, through an intermediary.

How to buy goods on Amazon and shipped back to Vietnam

This is a matter a lot of customers are interested. Buying it is easy but how to transport it, that is what many people worry.

Here we will guide you two ways to buy on Amazon

The first way: You buy yourself

This method requires that you need English level to understand information about products, how to pay. And you have to have relatives or friends are in the US to get goods and send goods to Vietnam for you. And of course you must have a Visa / Master card. According to the experience of many international buyers, you should choose the cards of ACB or Techcombank for the best support and the cards of these banks are the most accepted website today.

The second method: You use the service of buying goods and services of US shipments through an intermediary.

If you have language difficulties and are afraid to do the customs procedures, do not have a credit card and do not ask your relatives, then this is the best for you. And Vietair Cargo is one of the most prestigious companies in the field that you should choose.

Advantages of Vietair Cargo

When you receive the link about the product you need to buy, Vietair Cargo will give you free consultation information about the product, select suppliers, update promotions for that product. Vietair Cargo will purchase your household with only 4% of the purchase fee.

The above is the experience for you to choose to buy the goods on Amazon.

For more information

Office in the United States:
1208 Story Rd, San Jose, CA 95122 Hotline : (408) 898-9999
Office in Vietnam:
50/18 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Ward 3, Phu Nhuan District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Hotline 09.8158.8158

How to buy goods on Amazon and US shipping service to Vietnam 2016-10-19T14:22:08-07:00 2017-06-06T19:54:56-07:00 VietAir Cargo